Thursday 17 July 2014

Why are EGGS 'egg shaped' ????

Eggs are egg shaped because this shape adds to their strength. But if it were so simple, all eggs should have been of spherical shape-yet pigeons and diving birds lay eggs that are pointy at both ends.

According to mathematicians the explanation for the egg-shape lies in the number of eggs a bird species lays. They found that eggs take peculiar shape so that as many as possible can be packed together to get warmth from their mother, during incubation. For example, shorebirds like Plovers typically lay four eggs that are pointy-shaped. Because of their shape, the eggs can have larger shape to occupy the space. On the other hand ostriches lay just one egg, and a spherical shape is best for them. The area of course exceptions to this rule. For example, the eggs of guillemots are pear-shaped. This may be because guillemots make their nests on cliff faces, and pear shaped eggs don’t roll in a straight line, and are less likely to roll over the edge.      

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