To start with the basics every organism has a specific DNA
sequence. This DNA sequence produces specific proteins that make the organism
unique. In fact every organism on earth is unique from every other organism. Our
DNA tells a lot about our characteristics, strengths and weaknesses (if we are
prone to any specific diseases) too. These characteristics of ours cannot be
GMO means Genetically Modified Organism. Basically GMOs are
normal organism, the main difference between a GMO and any other organism is
that, they have a part of DNA of other organism incorporated into their own
DNA. Hence proteins produced by the GMO are different due to the foreign DNA. These
proteins may be commercially useful or these may protect the organism from
specific diseases.

RDT (Recombinant DNA Technology) or also called genetic
engineering is used to produce these organisms. The organism may show a large
number of variations morphologically (physically) from its original species. These
organisms are very useful commercially as these can be made disease resistant,
give a high yield (in the case of genetically modified crop) and sustain in any conditions.
In today’s scenario BT cotton and BT brinjal are very well
known GMO. These GMO are produced by insertion of specific gene from a
bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis) into these plants DNA. This gene from Bacillus
thuringiensis produces a protein is harmful for the plants pest. When this gene
is incorporated into the plant, the plant also produces the same protein and pests
feeding on that plant die. This can make the more healthy and there is no use
of pesticides too.
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